Senior year - at our sweeeet house on Kenan Street! Mary is a salsa dancer, Alana is anna kournakova, I don't know what Kathryn is, Angela, of course is Monica Lewinsky, I'm Fred Cook, MC is harlem globetrotter, and cart.... is cart.

Junior year! Mary is a bloody mary and i'm a white russian, and Alana (not pictured), was a Kamakazi shot! and Kathryn is Cruella deVille, MC is the deer she shot earlier that year... And then there's Dot...

I'm going as a Spanky's waitress...

This one is SOOOOO awful of me! White Trash Mixer, which promptly got us put on Social
Probation with panel, and as the social director that semester, gave me a huge headache!

Ahhh, Freshman year. MC and Cart are TMNT, or teenage mutant ninja turtles *how ridiculous an idea*** and me and MK are 10-yard markers for football 1st downs! tied together by rope, we were glad to be attached as creepy frat stars tried to take advantage!